Saturday, August 31, 2019

Are We an Overmedicated Society Essay

Are we an overmedicated society? Have you ever opened your medicine cabinet, and really looked at its contents? Have you ever stopped to wonder exactly what is in those bottles, and what it is doing inside your body? Do we really need all of those drugs? These are the questions I began asking myself a few years ago, and I feel most people should be questioning these things more often. Every time that I see a new commercial or advertisement that highlights a dangerous drug and the resulting lawsuits, I have to wonder how many drugs out there are just as dangerous, but haven’t been documented yet. How many diseases are fabricated so that more drugs can be sold? We have been engineered to believe that every human emotion and condition is a disease and should be medicated. But how much is too much? My first argument is that society today has become much too reliant on prescription medications and it has gotten to be out of control on many grounds. The two groups of individuals I feel are most at risk for this type of over-indulgence are children and the elderly. A third group of concern involves the mentally impaired or depressed segment of society, which I will get to. But first, I will divulge my assessment of children’s psychiatry from my viewpoint. A century ago, parents were free to discipline their children in the way they saw fit. As a result, children grew up to be respectable adults with jobs and accountability for their actions. There were still those who deviated of course, but it seems it was much less prevalent than it is today. Now, we have become a society who is afraid to discipline their children for fear of repercussion from social services and the threat of losing their children. As a result, we now have many children growing up who learn that they are in charge of their parents. These children are not required to respect their parents, and this results in a lack of respect for humans in general. This has consequently led to a rise in sociopathic behavior among teenagers and young adults who have been raised with absolutely no accountability for their actions or respect for human life. For those parents whose children have gotten out of control, they customarily turn to their family physicians for advice. I believe this has led to a rise in the creation of childhood diseases and medications to go along with them. In recent years, there appears to be a huge increase in the number of children diagnosed with ADHD and different levels of the Autism spectrum. These children are being sedated with pills instead of learning how to behave in a socially acceptable manner. They then grow up never learning how to properly integrate into society, and from there we have mentally impaired, depressed, and often sociopathic adults who are told they will require more medication and sedation for their entire lives. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a second segment of society that is suffering from pharmaceutical negligence is the elderly population. You may have noticed the number of medications typically found in your grandmother’s medicine cabinet, and this scenario is not atypical. Seniors are taking medications for things that don’t need to be medicated. As a result, they need additional medications to combat the side effects of the original medications prescribed. It is like a domino effect, each one building on another. One drug might be taken for low glucose levels. This drug may cause high blood pressure and high cholesterol, giving rise to the need for additional medications to counteract those two life-threatening conditions. In turn the secondary medications might have adverse reactions requiring additional medications and so on, creating a dangerous level of chemicals taken daily. Having to take so many medications, and often on a low or fixed income, puts a huge strain on the average elderly patient, and significantly lowers the quality of life experienced in the last phase of life. In addition to young children and senior citizens, my third area of concern is the mental health arena. We are currently diagnosing illnesses and prescribing pills for every range of normal human emotion and behavior. Feelings of anger, elation, sadness, and anxiety are all normal human responses to different stresses issued from the natural environment around us. But we have been manufactured to believe that any one of these can signal the presence of serious illness and disease, and if we are experiencing these we had better hightail it to the nearest doctor and get a pill to erase it all. This is what the pharmaceutical companies want us to believe, and it has been working amazingly well for them so far. The doctor is not programmed to tell you that you are experiencing normal human emotions, instead, they get you very upset and worried that you are actually suffering from a major mental disorder that requires immediate action and medication. Now, I agree that therapy is often needed for excess amounts of any one of these emotions. However, I feel that in most cases medication is simply not needed. Would you apply a Band-Aid to a surgical wound? That is what I feel the value of most of these medications really is. It never solves the root of the issue, so the patient continues to take these medications that their body becomes dependent on, thus supporting the drug companies for the rest of their lives. One of the main issues when it comes to mental health in patients of all ages is the subject of anti-anxiety medications. I recently discovered an article which was penned with regard to the use of anxiety medications in the United States and internationally, and whether or not it is a concern. According to Armstrong, â€Å"their use has increased in America at the rate of 7 million prescriptions a year† (1). This raises the concern that the exponential growth of these drugs will eventually lead to an entire country of sedated citizens. Despite popular belief, however, most of these prescriptions are written by family physicians and not psychiatrists, to deal with patients who believe they have a disease they don’t have and are demanding pills. Despite reassurances of the safety of the use of benzodiazepines, concerns still linger as to how much is too much. The pharmaceutical industry is greatly to blame for fueling this negligent over-use of harmful chemicals. It really is all about money, when it comes down to it. It seems like they are eager to produce any concoction that they can market to the American public that will sell in mass quantities, whether or not it is actually necessary for anyone’s health. It is possible, even, that they go as far as to manufacture their own illnesses so they can capitalize on it any way they can. As a result, there doesn’t seem to be enough research going into many of the drugs that are approved by the FDA and take up space on a pharmacy shelf. They might run it by a group of not-so-randomly selected individuals for a quick test-run. Then, even if adverse reactions are found, they are justified and dismissed and the public never even finds out. If they do, it is usually in small print at the end of a drug advertisement, and the public never even takes notice of it because they are so hyped up about the possible positive outcomes this drug may have in store for them. The marketing is so intense that it convinces many people they have diseases they don’t even have and they rush to the doctor to fill their demands. According to Strand & Wallace, â€Å"†¦fewer than 50% of all of the serious adverse reactions to a new drug the FDA releases are identified prior to its release into the marketplace† (2, pg 46). This is a very alarming statistic that needs to be taken seriously! The doctors, in turn, are often pressured by the drug companies to market these drugs to patients who do not even present with symptoms which would call for such drugs. These doctors are often enticed by incentives and benefits offered by these companies to convince them to dole out these unnecessary medications. Essentially, they are â€Å"wined and dined† by the pharmaceutical companies. The other issue facing doctors is that these patients show up in droves with complaints and expect pills. If they are turned away or refused, the doctor faces possible legal actions, possibly law suits or malpractice claims. So, the easy solution is to give the patient what they want, not what they need. Essentially, the conventional doctor/patient relationship has eroded almost entirely. Patients are now doctoring themselves, deciding which drugs they need, and then going to the doctor with their demands since they cannot fill their scripts without a prescription. The book, â€Å"Death By Prescription†, has an excellent example of this. The author provides a story of a patient named Cynthia who goes in for her annual exam, confirms the presence of menopause, and against her better judgment is prescribed hormone replacement therapy. Everything seems to be going well for a few months, and then she unexpectedly collapses one day, completely at random, from acute cardiac arrest. After she has been put to rest, the husband then discovers that there were concerns about heart related problems for a year before his wife was initially prescribed this medication. (2, pgs 3-7) The doctor who wrote this book speaks of his dismay that potentially life-threatening drug reactions are never brought to the consumer’s attention until it is too late. Since these drugs are hitting the market without adequate research to possible drug reactions or interactions, more and more lawsuits are being filed. Every time I see a new lawsuit for a drug that was heavily marketed, I wonder which one will be next. I take a few prescriptions myself, only because they are necessary to control severe acid reflux which could erode my entire esophagus and to keep allergies in check which have a tendency to cause ear infections with me. I wouldn’t take them if I didn’t absolutely need to. One that I’ve seen recently is a lawsuit for a popular birth control drug, Yasmin, that I clearly remember advertisements for which involved many women in bright yellow bathing suits. Other examples that I can think of just off the top of my head are Avandia, Phen Phen, and Thalidomide. A famous example, though, is the whole Vioxx fiasco. Vioxx was a popular pain reliever that was touted as more effective than ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, but little was known about its potentially fatal side effects, mostly related to heart problems. According to Carey, Barrett, and Cropper, â€Å"†¦society needs to understand that drugs are a double-edged sword. Doctors should do a better job of keeping up with pharmaceutical findings. And patients should know that all medicines are potentially dangerous and should be used cautiously. In the past, â€Å"people accepted that there was no such thing as a totally safe drug,† says McKillop. Today we have become much more risk-averse. † Adds Dr. Mary H. Parks, a top FDA drug-approval official: â€Å"Even in the best case, with full due diligence, we will never know everything about a drug. † That’s why it will always be a struggle to hit just the right balance between help and harm. † (3) This lends credence to my belief that most drugs that have b een on the market less than 10 years should not be trusted. Hopefully, this paper has influenced the general perspective on the pharmaceutical industry itself and how many drugs should be taken by the average consumer on a daily basis. How many times have doctors prescribed brand new â€Å"cures† for diseases that no one has ever heard of? Consumers should be taking note of just how many drugs are being over-marketed and should be aware of the dangers posed by the chemicals ingested on a daily basis. If it is something that is not needed for normal daily functioning, should it even be prescribed? Is it doing more harm than good? How much research has been conducted for this particular drug? Whether the individual is a young child, a middle-aged adult, a psychiatric or geriatric patient, these are the questions that each person should be asking every day.

Friday, August 30, 2019

African Americans Essay

The African American journey has been one of trials and tribulations which they suffered greatly to achieve freedom and success. The battle has led the citizens of this nation to have witnessed the first African American President of the United States. The journey that has brought African Americans to the present situation has seen intermittent successes and numerous setbacks. Perseverance from many generations has brought about a gradual but progressive change. The journey begun in a state of slavery, through the act of slavery racism was seen in its rarest forms. The long journey emerged from African Americans being sold to white traders and transported across the Atlantic Ocean. Slaves were auctioned off and sold to the highest bidders. African Americans were considered personal property of the white man and viewed as economic commodity. Their strength and endurance was formed as a result of working in the fields and kitchens from sunrise to sunset. The slaves lived off of the bare necessities in life. This act of slavery existed for decades and helped to shape the course of American history. From slavery to the March on Washington and many other events, African Americans have fought for their rights in United States, and have achieved their identity through many historical movements. The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution officially abolished slavery and freed the slaves to make a life for themselves as the Reconstruction Period. During the Reconstruction Era (1867) African Americans still suffered hardships under the leadership of Andrew Johnson who became president after Lincoln had got assassinated in 1865. Andrew Johnson had no intention of helping the African Americans he wanted to punish the slaveholders in the South. Andrew Jackson opposed giving African Americans the freedom to vote or equal rights. 1870 the 15th Amendment was ratified and became a law that specified African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 3 African American men had the right to vote. Voting was part of African Americans receiving civil liberties. The Civil Rights Movement and racial oppression were very significant moments in the American history. Exploitation was seen based on the color of one’s skin. Oppression was the way to keep the African American’s voice unheard. The dominant race manipulated America and shaped it according to the value of one race in society. Gaining equality was the essence of the struggle for African Americans in which white society pushed to prohibit African Americans from gaining any form of equality. Americans were uninformed and unaware of how corrupt the government officials were. During the historical journey of the African Americans the government failed to have all humans’ best interest in mind. The African American Journey Devastation of trials and tribulations were prevalent among the African Americans before 1865. The Civil War put a new twist on how society tuned into a racist world. Racism was very powerful and demanding during this period in life. Racism still prevails in the present tense only in more subtle ways. Before 1865 issues with slavery depicted lynching, segregation, low wages for job performances and derogatory defamation of character within a race due to skin pigmentation. Slavery and degradation never killed the desire of freedom and a promising future for African Americans. This was one of the foremost occurrences of hatred and dehumanizing of man because of the color of their skin. This exemplified the state of condition the African Americans were placed and recognized that another race was superior or had power over another race. African Americans were considered powerless over their own lives. The Emancipation African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 4 Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment were passed by a strong leader named Abraham Lincoln, which declared all of America’s slaves were free by 1865. In 1865, African Americans were finally feeling like human beings and not like property that endured brutality, harsh whippings, no rights as humans and cruel punishment. The passing of various civil liberty movements’, education, employment and voting privileges improved. Fox (2014) stated that southern blacks were impatient in seeking voting privileges. The U. S. Constitution gave all blacks a nominal right to vote, but southern blacks were often blocked at the polls, and racial apartheid was the foundation of a rigid caste system. The Thirteenth and Fifteenth Amendment abolished slavery and Americans were making strides to work things out. After the release of slaves the black codes of law were passed laws, statues, and rules enacted by southern states after the Civil War to gain control over the slaves again and protect the white man’s property from retaliation. The slave owners were worried that they had to do the Plantation work themselves after the slaves were freed, and blacks would want revenge on them because of the hardships of oppression over hundreds of years. Progression of African Americans throughout the 18th and 19th centuries was a struggle. The relationships between blacks and whites were, frustrating and intense, primarily because the concept of reigning in superior positions over African Americans lives in respect to finances, social activities, cultural values or political affiliations has not changed significantly. African Americans fought for equal opportunity and their rights as a human race. They struggled to fit in with society. Despite the developments and changes, many fiscal and visual (how they were perceived) characteristics of African Americans at the end of the nineteenth century did not African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 5 differ from that of the mid-1800s. 1865-1876 was considered a time of change for African Americans but racism continued to cause much pain and despair for African Americans. Two significant events that surfaced to support the emergence of African Americans was the Harlem Renaissance Movement (1920) and the Civil Rights Movement. The Harlem Renaissance contributed to the talents and cultural beliefs of African Americans. They were able to bring perspective and pride to their lives. Harlem Renaissance was defined as: The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem between the end of World War I and the middle of the 1930s. During this period Harlem was a cultural center, drawing black writers, artists, musicians, photographers, poets, and scholars. Many had come from the South, fleeing its oppressive caste system in order to find a place where they could freely express their talents (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002, p. 1). African Americans felt they were able to make specific contributions to society and start communicating their feelings, beliefs and values to others. The Harlem Renaissance Movement brought different racial groups together in appreciation of the music and poetry but did not have much success in breaking the racial divide between the races that were expressed in the Jim Crow excerpts. â€Å"The Renaissance incorporated jazz and the blues, attracting whites to Harlem speakeasies, where interracial couples danced. It contributed to a certain relaxation of racial attitudes among young whites, but its greatest impact was to reinforce race pride among blacks† (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002, p. 1). The 1964 Civil Rights Movement gave African Americans the right to take a stand against racism. Racial discrimination was a major problem that caused havoc in the lives of African Americans. Several events emerged from the Civil Rights African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 6 movement that made a significant impact on the lives of African Americans- the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Black Power Movement. The events above promoted a means of outlawing racial discrimination. Segregation was protested through political and social protest rallies and campaigns. The Black Power Movement gave African Americans a voice to be heard. Political and religious reasons were heard as their voices resonated throughout society. â€Å"The African American movement gained political legitimacy because it politicized the grievances of collective memory and appealed to a common ancestry to regain for this people cultural, political, and economic rights by rejecting subordination and White cultural supremacy or hegemony† (Jalata, 2002, p. 1). Before the Civil Rights Movement America was considered in the realms of practicing apartheid. All African Americans were humiliated, denied their civil rights and liberties, dehumanized and suffered tremendous hardships. Several movements initiated progress for African Americans. They were finally gaining their rights to live as human beings and become a part of society. â€Å"But the awkward truth is that when it comes to the goals laid down by the civil rights movement in general and Brown in particular, America is actually going backward† (Younge, 2014, p. 10). A school in Little Rock marked a turn in events for African Americans. This was in 1957 when the governor issued an order to the National Guard troops to stop the nine black children from entering the school. The order was denied and a mob of white students intimidated the black students. Federal soldiers escorted the black students into the school and were protected by the armed guards. The governor, African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 7 Faubus, closed all of the city’s schools to prevent integration. The African Americans prevailed regardless of the circumstances. According to Pearson Education (2000) other events that marked a period of setbacks and progression in the lives of African Americans are: †¢1931 NINE BLACK YOUTHS ARE INDICTED IN SCOTTSBORO, ALA. , ON CHARGES OF HAVING raped two white women. †¢1947 JACKIE ROBINSON BREAKS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL’S COLOR BARRIER WHEN HE IS signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers by Branch Rickey. †¢1952 MALCOLM X BECOMES A MINISTER OF THE NATION OF ISLAM. OVER THE NEXT several years his influence increases until he is one of the two most powerful members of the Black Muslims. †¢1963 MARTIN LUTHER KING WAS ARRESTED FOR MARCHING AGAINST ANTI-SEGREGATION. †¢1966 THE BLACK PANTHERS WAS FOUNDED. †¢1967 THURGOOD MARSHALL WAS APPOINTED TO THE SUPREME COURT. †¢2002 HALLE BERRY AND DENZEL WASHINGTON RECEIVED OSCARS FOR BEST ACTORS. †¢1992 RACIAL RIOTS ARE SEEN IN LOS ANGELES AFTER ACQUITTING FOUR WHITE BOYS FOR beating Rodney King. African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 8 †¢2005 CONDOLEEZZA RICE BECOMES THE FIRST BLACK FEMALE U. S. SECRETARY OF STATE. †¢2009 BARACK OBAMA BECAME THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Many problems that exist today seem to be repeating themselves. America seems to be making an upturn and the ugly faces of racism are reappearing. Younge (2014) stated that schools are re-segregating, legislation is being gutted, it’s getting harder to vote, large numbers are being deprived of their basic rights through incarceration, and the economic disparities between black and white are growing. In many areas, America is becoming more separate and less equal. Overcoming hurdles was nothing new to Obama and Colin Powell. Both men achieved success in American society. Obama became the first black president and Colin Powell became Secretary of State and served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Barack Obama is the first African American President of the United States and that is considered a very important step forward in this country. His administration has been one of struggle and plight to succeed because of the turmoil going on in the nation. Obama has succeeded in great ways without the support of many Republicans in the house. Asked â€Å"So, how has being Black affected your ability to govern? ,† Obama replied in part: â€Å"By virtue of being African-American, I’m attuned to how throughout this country’s history there have been times when folks have been locked out of opportunity, and because of the hard work of people of all races† (Cooper, 2012, p. 11). Obama has been successful in making equal opportunity a solution to African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 9 many problems. He has slowly opened the doors to more people and made equal opportunity happen through vigilance and determination. A great historical event occurred when Obama was elected as President. This surprised many Americans in the world. This symbolized a step forward towards racial equality in the history of African Americans. This election captured several important turn of events that said we have made great accomplishments. This completed the Civil Rights Movement and what it stood for, an emergence of a post-racial society, the elimination of multiculturalism and the possibility of ending the black struggle. There were several activist that would not have concluded that the black struggle has ended. Those people were Marcus Garvey, Ella Baker and Huey P. Newton. Their beliefs were based on specific facts that unifying scattered people of African descent, inspiring racial pride, and ultimately creating a separate, independent country should be the goals of racial uplift. Garvey thought black people were oppressed and divided as a race. Because they were ‘scattered as an unmixed and unrecognized part’ in numerous nations they were dependent upon the other races for kindness and sympathy. Many people have struggled to explain the plight of the African American race but the journey was one of hardship, courage and endurance that built character. The African American race has come a long way from cruelty and hardship inflicted during the 1800’s. The journey encompassed freedom, voting rights, civil liberties and equality. African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 10 References Blackpast. org. (2007). African American history timeline 1901-2000. Retrieved from http://www. blackpast. org/timelines/african-american-history-timeline-1900-2000 Cooper, K. J. (2012). The President’s Report Card. Crisis (15591573), 119(4), 6. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com.proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=f5h&AN=88314705&site=eds-live Educational Broadcasting Corporation (2002). The Harlem Renaissance. Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_events_harlem. html Fox Piven, F. (2014). 50 and FIGHTING. Planning, 80(6), 10. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=f5h&AN=96548704&site=eds-live Jalata, A. (2002). Revisiting the black struggle: Lessons for the 21st century. Journal of Black Studies, 33(1). Retrieved from African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 11 http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=edb&AN=7268500&site=eds-live Kirk, J. (2009). THE LONG ROAD TO EQUALITY. History Today, 59(2), 52-58. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=aph&AN=36590274&site=eds-live Pearson Education. (2000). African American history timeline. Retrieved from http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmtimeline. html Younge, G. (2014). The Awkward Truth about Race. Nation, 298(24), 10-11. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=aph&AN=96204081&site=eds-live.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Decision Making Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision Making Case Study Analysis - Essay Example Mary, as a relatively new and inexperienced probation officer has a fresh outlook and different expectations from the system. Her approach to the case places more importance on "positivism" and a "watchman style" as she has not yet become part of the system; the cultural ethos of the organization on the other hand in entrenched in "classicalism" and has a rigid "legalistic" approach (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2003, p. 295). If only rational guidelines were to be considered, then, based on the crime score and offender score parameters (Stojkovic, et al., 2003, p 312), the offender qualifies for probation. Moreover, the offence is one of statutory rape and charges have been filed by the parents of the girl, over the objections of the victim. Hence more discretion, within the boundaries of bounded rationality is warranted and needs to be the primary factor in this case. Political considerations, however legitimate should not fly in the face of natural justice. Most decisions are arrived at keeping an organization's long-term goals in mind and solutions fall in to well established and acceptable solutions for identified problems - the 'garbage can' concept. To that extent, organizational culture is a definitive influencing factor. In fact it is this deeply ingrained ethos which influences the advice given to Mary by her supervisor. This kind of 'standard operating procedure' leads to the formation of 'legitimizing rituals' that further perpetuate the laid down decision making process. In effect, "equilibrium is set and protected" (Stojkovic, et al., 2003, p 301). This is what Mary learns from the case. Symbolically the case is a sex offence and because of the pressure of organizational culture it has to be treated as one of many such cases rather than treating it on its own merits. The pre-set solution for such cases is the decision already 'arrived at'. This results in a compromise solution that though not exactly the best satisfies everyone in the system. This is because all decisions are made with incomplete information and although rationality requires the ability to choose between all possible courses of action, in practice all of them are not capable of being implemented due to various constraints. Hence the adoption of the concept of satisfycing i.e., "the attainment of acceptable rather than optimal results" (Stojkovic, et al., 2003, p 298), which is a useful concept in criminal justice to satisfy diverse and contradictory interests. Cultural and Political Concerns in Decision Making Cultural and political concerns can never be left out of any decision making process as decisions are not made in a vacuum. Hence, understanding of thee limitations and learning how to work through them is a better option in the long run. This is what Mary realizes when it dawns on her that a compromise solution would have a better chance of success, since, "recommendations of probation officersgenerally correlate with sentencing decisions" (Stojkovic, et al., 2003, p. 302). The inputs given by Mary as a result of the PSI would provide crucial inputs that would influence the final outcome. Recommendations that are grounded in rationality and backed by the results of prediction models would certainly enhance the acceptability of the recommendations.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Why is an understanding of research techniques important Essay

Why is an understanding of research techniques important - Essay Example Essentially, the June 2014 press release meets the requirements posted by CASRO (Council of American Research Organization) in which a study has to have a sponsor so as to support its successful completion. The director of Survey Research at Pew Research Mr. Scott Keeter explains why they chose to sample 10,000 instead of 1, 000 in which the reason is that the research was able to describe the attitudes of people in smaller fragments within the larger public. Another requirement by CASRO met in the July 2014 article by Pew Research is that it provides actual dates of when the survey was conducted are documented and also indicates the actual group that conducted the same, which in this case is the American Trends Panel, an arm created by the Pew Research Center. However, neither the press release nor the article provides the exact wording for the questions as required, hence influencing one of the shot falls on the same. Other information available as presented in the survey finding that a person reading the report would find helpful are data coding for easy interpretation of confusing data and analysis of the same. The survey also provides the data collection methods applied in order for the panelist to obtain the required attitudes of the sampled population as part of studying political polarization. In total the guidelines applied in the press release are five while one is applied in the full survey report. The media coverage of the June 2014 press release partly serves the public interest, but is somehow a political tool that politicians can use to gain popularity and win in elections. The positive trait brought about by this press release is that it helps in promoting ethnic tolerance among ethnic groups as it does not portray any of them in bad light. It also serves as a way of evaluating the stereotypes associated with certain ethnic groups and trying to work against for the good of the American population despite the religious affiliations that each

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strengths Analysis and Future Development Strategies Assignment

Strengths Analysis and Future Development Strategies - Assignment Example They have to be developed through consistent training and experience. Skills are the difference from knowledge in that process involved in the transfer of knowledge lead to the development of skills. Talents are the abilities to execute observable behaviors that lead to distinguishable aspects (Buckingham and Clifton, 2001). They can also be reviewed in terms of competence held by various individuals that can be used to perform unique activities. The main differentiator between the three principles can be described in terms of whether the aspect was learned or attained from external sources. For example, one has to manipulate the present knowledge to gain proficient skills. Additionally, most talents are in build whereby individuals are born with them or learn about their abilities as they grow up. The observation of talents may depend on the situations that an individual has to perform. Its the attained skills may also help in the realization of talents. The accrued knowledge is about the comprehension of the company's activities and operations. It includes the use of attained data to execute activities that are advantageous to the firm. Skills include the handling of clients and technology present in a company with the aim of attaining the set objectives. They also include my professional attributes that lead to job efficiency and competency strategies. My talents consist of computing complex numbers for a short time and first typing skills. The two talents can be helpful to the firm's data entry or bookkeeping. It is one of the first aspects to locate using the inventory. Competition can be highlighted by performances in various activities (Buckingham and Clifton, 2001). It can be described is the rivalry feeling that drives an individual towards better results. The theme has helped me in my educational and workplace aspects. Competition is part of the driving forces of companies; hence the need to employ competent workers. Â  

Monday, August 26, 2019

The nurses'role in the prevention of healt care -associated Essay

The nurses'role in the prevention of healt care -associated - Essay Example als, and nurses. This essay seeks to explore the various roles played by nurses in preventing or reducing incidence of infections and in doing so the essay also deals with the various patient risk factors for HAIs. Patient Risk Factors for Health Care–Associated Infections It is also worthwhile to analyse the various patient risk factors for HAIs that the nurses need to address for preventing the growing incidence of infections among admitted patients. Nurses have to identify the three elements that contribute to the transmission of infection within a health care setting: â€Å"a source of infecting microorganisms, a susceptible host, and a means of transmission for the microorganism to the host† (Collins, 2008, p. 3). Very often HAIs among patients occur when they are exposed to such microorganisms as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa from other patients, healthcare professionals or visitors. Similarly, infections can also be transmitted to patients from the hospi tal environment, contaminated drugs or food, or from medical equipments and devices. Age, type of medical treatment, organ transplantations, surgical procedures, and the severity of illness are potential contributing factors for HAIs. Therefore, it is the responsibility of healthcare nurses to ensure that such microorganisms are never spread among admitted patients through direct or indirect contact, respiratory droplets, or through air. The Role of nurses in preventing healthcare associated infections Nurses have a pivotal responsibility in managing and preventing healthcare associated infections among their patients. Every hospital needs to have a competent infection prevention system and the role of the healthcare nurse is â€Å"to maintain surveillance of healthcare-associated infections throughout the hospital† (Koutoukidis, Stainton &Hughson, 2012, p. 389). For this, nurses need to be equipped with professional excellence, theoretical knowledge and practical strategies to prevent or control infections and transmission of organisms to patients admitted in their healthcare settings. Special training is to be offered to nurses regarding the latest research and practices to detect, treat and prevent infections among patients. Nurses interact directly with the patients and are better equipped to identify traces of infections and apply evidence-based procedures to reduce or prevent HAIs. Nurses can adopt a number of strategies to control infection and reduce cross-contamination among patients. These consist of using EPA-registered chemical germicides for standard cleaning and disinfection of medical equipment, training housekeeping staff with cleaning and disinfection procedures, taking precautions to prevent cross-contamination, promoting the use of disposable patient care items, and advising â€Å"families, visitors, and patients regarding the importance of hand hygiene to minimize the spread of body substance contamination† (Collins, 2008, p. 10). It is also the responsibilit

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Top Secret America Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Top Secret America - Assignment Example Since the hits against American targets were essentially intelligence failures, there was great need to beef up the current intelligence arrangements inside American borders. Historical performance of the intelligence mechanisms proves that internal intelligence failures need to be tackled at the earliest in order to guarantee the American way of life. The intelligence apparatus in operation in the First World War was unable to avert multiple internal intelligence failures such as the Black Tom incident1. The creation of the Office of Secret Services (OSS) and the subsequent restructuring as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been essential to avoid internal and external threats since the Second World War. The recent restructuring of the intelligence community must be seen in the context of the previous restructuring efforts and their results. If the American government had failed to restructure its intelligence apparatus following the First World War and the Second World War, there are chances that the American way of life would have disappeared in the face of rising Communist aggression2. The commentary provided by The Washington Post relating to intelligence community expansions in recent years fails to see the bigger picture. The emphasis of â€Å"Top Secret America† lies in proving that the intelligence community is out of control for the federal government. ... In a similar manner, the July bombings in London as well as other similar terror related incidents involved execution by elements located inside the borders of a country3. Moreover, these elements were indistinguishable from the general public. The Washington Post’s interpretation considers eavesdropping and filtering of common messages and other information as being contrary to basic civil liberties. However, what the authors have failed to account for is that these very activities alert the counter terrorism agencies in time to take positive action. People such as Ramzi Yousaf and Aimal Kansi roamed the streets in America without hindrance for years, gathering intelligence for their ringmasters. In case that an intervention based intelligence and security apparatus had existed in America prior to 9/11, there would have been much lower of a chance for such incidents. The lives lost in 9/11 and since it are all due to a failed intelligence mechanism. Years of peace following t he undeclared end of the Cold War led successive American governments to cut down on defense spending. Most of the cuts in the defense spending originated from areas that provided intangible outcomes such as intelligence cues. Eras such as the Reagan administration or the Clinton administration saw massive increases in overseas defense spending compared to decreases in intelligence spending at home. The subsequent erosion of resources from the intelligence community meant that intelligence spending decreased significantly in the decades following the Cold War. Consequently, a weakened intelligence mechanism gave perpetrators a chance to operate on local soil to eliminate local targets.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Choice and Evaluation - Assignment Example Every business organization requires growth for its sustainability, profitability retention and increase in the market share. Growth strategies need to be constantly formulated for the retention of the organization in the existing market and also for its survival. The author of the study will deal with the various facets of growth strategies, which affect the survival of the business enterprises. It will deal specifically with the growth strategies to be recommended for Davivienda bank, which is one of the most esteemed banks of Colombo. The study will also highlight the various alternative growth strategies that have the potentiality of generating huge amount of revenue and also maintain its goodwill in the banking industry. Finally, the studies will conclude with recommendations, which provide the bank an opportunity to expand on a large scale without having to implement time consuming and expensive methods. Overview of Davivienda Bank Being one of the most esteemed and well establ ished banks of Colombo, Davivienda has been able to create a niche for itself in the banking industry and also gain the trust of the customers at the same moment (Davivienda, 2013a). Davivienda is a Colombian bank, which was established in the year 1972 and is known for providing credit to the individuals, organization and also in the rural sector (Davivienda, 2013b). It is regarded as a mortgage and saving banks, which has diversified its business of credit card portfolio and also retail banking services (Davivienda, 2013c). The essence of the bank is that, it provides banking services to the rural sectors and to various other corporate organizations for the betterment of the entire society. Presently, it has more than 21 percent of markets share in the banking industry in the credit card portfolio section. It is also regarded as the third largest financial institutions in Colombia itself. Alternative Growth Strategies & its Significance for Davivienda Bank The decline in the sudde n growth rates of the varied banking organizations in Colombo has had a dampening effect on the Colombian economy and also on the neighboring countries. The sudden decline in the growth rate of the Columbian banks has led to decline in the export –import growth rates also simultaneously. Therefore, growth strategies have become essential for the implementation and expansion of the banks on a large scale and offering tailor made financial products for each of the crisis and situations (Perkowski, 2007).The sales of financial products have been declining worldwide because of the sudden economic slowdown, which has made the customers cautious about investing and dealing in securitization, mortgage portfolio etc. To combat the ill effects of the economic slowdown, Davivienda banks need to adopt certain marketing strategies, which had been instrumental for the growth of other banking institutions. Firstly, the need of the growth strategies needs to be identified with the current s ituational analysis of the internal and external environment (Mills, 2001). After the assessment of the external and internal environmental analysis, the various forms and needs of the alternative growth strategies of the banks need to be identified and evaluated (Rice &

The effects roe vs wade had on society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The effects roe vs wade had on society - Essay Example This essay examines the effects of the legalization of abortion on the United States political spectrum and on the effect it has had on the rights of women, and also attempts to quantify a shift in moral standards that critics and religious leaders claim are a direct result of the Supreme Court’s decision. One of the main effects of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court ruling has been the significant reverberations felt by the political spectrum. In the wake of the decision the Republicans and Democrats political parties experienced a decisive split in perspectives that further divided the two major groups (Aster 8). With the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the Republican Party defined itself as pro-life (Aster 5). During 2004, the Republican platform outlined their position stating, â€Å"†¦we say the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed (Doan 90).† The same year the Democratic Party issued a pro-choice proclamation, â€Å"Because we believe in the privacy and equality of women, we stand proudly for a woman’s right to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade (Doan 91).† Whereas previously party affiliations had been contingent on the member’s education or income level, the world after Roe vs. Wade increasingly expe rienced divisions based further on religious distinctions (Aster 194). As the two parties become increasingly divided in their political perspectives, a number of analysts and cultural critics noted a decrease in productive dialogue between the competing parties. For example, since the decision the appointment of Supreme Court Justices has focused predominantly on their stance on the abortion issue (Aster 198). Another important impact Roe vs. Wade had on society was changing the status of women. Feminists argue that the legalization of abortion has given women greater control over their lives and futures and had

Friday, August 23, 2019

Executive Summaary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Executive Summaary - Essay Example Kelly is the original developer of product and felt that given the time and circumstances, it couldn’t be done. The higher management on the other hand is also asking for operations to be optimized but Kelly insists that it is not possible right now. The case presents conflicting views and arguments of the big wigs of the company. While there are no proper plans in place for developing new products at Acu, the CEO of the company is also worried about another company getting away with the market share to a new scanner. He insists on using it in retail stores so that they can get customer feedback regarding what customers want and need. Recommendations and Conclusion: The most appropriate of all suggestions came in from Clif and they should be executed. Business is all about risk. Even if this is not the time to develop a new product, there is no harm in devising a strategy, an effective one and implementing the product. The money needed for the update can be obtained by equity or bond funding. Optimization of processes should be on the backburner while all focus should be on developing the new product to revamp and resurrect lost sales. All other extraneous expenditures should be cut down in the meanwhile to support the development of the new product.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Research Project Climate Change Essay Example for Free

Research Project Climate Change Essay INTRODUCTION Climate change is the variation of the weather in global scale which include changes in temperature, precipitation, nebulosity and other phenomena. These variations last for an extended period of time (decades to millions of years) and they can be caused by external forces (variations on the solar activity, orbital variations, impact of meteorites), internal forces (volcanic eruptions, plate tectonics, El Nino), or by results of the human activity (global warming). Global Warming There are many questions about global warming, from its causes to its effects, and many people even question whether or not it even exists. Global warming is described as the increase of the average temperature of the Earth caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, such as deforestation, use of fertilizers, fossil fuel combustion and cement production. According to the global warming theory, the intensification of industrial activities during the twentieth century (based on the fossil fuel combustion such as petrol and coal) increased the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. The increase of the global temperature and the new composition of the atmosphere lead to several alterations which affect the elevation of the sea level, heat waves, droughts and heavy rainfall, ocean acidification and species extinctions, to name a few. Greenhouse effect and the emission of CO2 Greenhouse gases keep the Earth warm through a process called the greenhouse effect. If it were not for the greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere, the Earth would be a very cold place. Greenhouse gases are any of the atmospheric gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation produced by solar warming. They include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and water vapor. Greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, but the elevated levels are directly blamed to human activities, specially the production in excess of carbon dioxide when any material containing carbon is burned, such as oil, coal, natural gas, or wood. However it is controversial whether the human activities are to blame for the global warming due to the emission of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide represents a very small percentage of the gases in the atmosphere (only 0.032%) and it is immediately absorbed by the vegetation, in all kind of environments, without any possibility of accumulation anywhere. The population that consumes CO2 (plants) is much bigger than the population that is emitting this gas (men and machines). Besides, the energy used in the process of removing CO2 from the atmosphere is endless: the solar energy. Mainly, the determining factors of the climate change are basically the energy of the sun or insulation and the speed of the rotation and translation of the Earth. Is Global Warming Real? Although the whole world is aware of the global warming issue and is afraid of what its impacts could do in the coming future, there are those who still believe global warming is a fiction and does not exist. The global warming debate in many parts of the earth is ranging more than before. One of the world’s best known climate change sceptic John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, has claimed that the theory of man-made climate change is no longer scientifically credible and rising global temperatures points to a natural phenomenon within a developing eco-system. According to Coleman, global warming has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid, and efforts to prove the theory that carbon dioxide is a significant greenhouse gas and pollutant causing significant warming or weather effects have failed. â€Å"The impact of humans on climate is not  catastrophic†, he says, â€Å"our planet is not in peril. It is all a scam, the result of bad science.† (John Coleman, 2014) On the other hand, former Vice President Al Gore, who had an award-winning documentary film in 2006 called An Inconvenient Truth which discusses the present and future effects of global warming, continues his fight against global warming and says that â€Å"we simply cannot continue to use the atmosphere as an open sewer for dirty and dangerous global warming pollution that endangers our health and makes storms, floods, mudslides and droughts much more dangerous and threatening.† (Al Gore, 2014). He supports the adoption of renewable energy such as solar and wind power and enforces bold new standards for fuel economy. CONCLUSION Whether global warming is a consequence of human activities or other phenomena (or both), it is real and climate change is happening. We should all do our part to help alter the future path of human-induced warming by adopting a more responsible lifestyle to reduce the amount of CO2 emission by reducing waste, recycling, switching to green power (wind and solar), planting trees, carpooling and so on. Also, less energy use means less dependence on the fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases and contribute to global warming. REFERENCES Climate Change. – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from (Online; accessed 14-November-2014). Global Warming. – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from (Online; accessed 14-November-2014). Global Warming. – NOAA National Climatic Data Center. Retrieved from (Online; accessed 14-November-2014). Coleman, J. (2014) Global Warming Greatest Scam in History! – Global Warming And The Climate. Retrieved from arguments-against-global-warming.htm Gore, A. (June 18, 2014) The Turning Point: New Hope for the Climate. Rolling Stone. Retrieved from the-turning-point-new-hope-for-the- climate-20140618 Statement by Former Vice President Gore on Australias climate policy. July 17, 2014. Retrieved from (Online; accessed 19-November-2014).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis Of Empathy And Sympathy

Analysis Of Empathy And Sympathy In relationships, people were around often found something unpleasant emotional problem sometimes or needs to be understood by someone, then how to deal with these situations. Empathy is the cognitive process of identifying with or vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. (Verderber, 2004, p. 211). Empathy is an important element in understanding and maintaining good interpersonal relationships. Therefore, empathy is tried to understand and experience that other people experience what is the kind of understanding. Sympathy and empathy are different, that is change the role of empathy seek to understand each others experience, feeling, thoughts and attitudes. When empathizing, there was representative the position of the position has already been converted in another persons place to try understand what is happening to other. But that will might find it difficult to avoid making judgments when is listen to someone elses problem, it is fail to empathize with others, however, that is also fail to understanding with other. So that have to exactly what must do to listen with empathy and more approaches or how to improving. (Seiler, 2005, p. 150). In the addition, when empathizing, empathy has identified some different approaches that people can use. That is empathic responsiveness, perspective taking, and sympathetic responsiveness. Firstly, Empathic responsiveness is experiencing an emotional response parallel to another persons actual or anticipates display of emotion. (Verderber, 2004, p. 211). For example, when employer tells employee will lose their job, employee will have experienced empathic responsiveness. Employer should be senses the sadness of that employee, that deeply sad feeling is the feels of employee. The empathic responsiveness approach is the most easy to use, when people have a close or intimate relationship with other person, they will have a strong relationship bond between each other, which can identify more easily with the others feelings, emotion and experiences it along with other. So back to the example, if they have a good relationship between employer and employee, the employer may know what the e mployee is feeling. The position of the employer should understands and feelings the employee feel, employer has to empathy the feelings of employee is loses their jobs. Clearly understanding of feelings of employee is a point of a successful employer must be known. So in general, empathic responsiveness is most easily with close person with each other. (Verderber, 2004, p. 211). Secondly, perspective taking is one of approaches to empathy, that defined is imagining yourself in the place of another. (Verderber, 2004, p. 212). That means is with another position of imagination, consider the situation of other, feelings of others is expected, and then assume that other people will feel similarly. For example, imagine if the employer was fires, and is expected to what the experience of their emotions if that is happens, the employer will be feelings same with that employee, then that is using empathizing by perspective taking. Sympathetic responsiveness is the one of approaches to empathy, a feeling of concern, compassion, or sorrow for another because of the situation is the defined. (Verderber, 2004, p. 212). Sympathetic responsiveness is differs with other two approaches before. That is no attempt to experience and understand each others feelings or imagine be in the place of another, however, that is rather focus on emotionally understanding what the speakers has said and experience feelings of concern, compassion, or sorrow for the that person. (Verderber, 2004, p. 212). For example, if the employer have sympathy and understanding of employee when employee is feels like embarrassed and worried, and also trying to feels emotions or experience of employee, employer will feels concern and compassion for that employee, relationship for both of them will be build up to each other . So these three approaches will be able to make accurate judgments in the cognitive process of identifying with or vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of another. Beside that, empathizing is hard to communication with other from different culture, especially with strangers. So empathic listening will improve the ability to empathize. Listening skills also is including one of approaches. Listening with empathy occurs when have listened to what someone else is experiencing and seek to understand that persons thoughts and feelings. (Seiler, 2005, p. 149). The most effective way is by listening to feelings of other people to want to hear the voice inside the heart, which try to understand and know what it was, people or things from the perspective of others to feel and reflect these feelings back. (Hybels, 2001, p.85). So what is the procedure of empathizing, show respect for the person by actively attending to what the person says; concentrate on observing and understanding both the verbal and nonverbal messages, using paraphrases and perception checking to the aid; experience an emotional response parallel to another persons actual or anticipate d display of emotion, imagine yourself in the place of the person, feel concern, compassion, or sorrow for the person because situation or plight. (Verderber, 2004, p. 215). Furthermore, empathy is as important as element of effective interpersonal communication and the listener also is very important too. And empathy is closely related with a listener task, listeners task have to be put away their own feelings and prejudices as those of others to listen what they speaker talking about. Listener must be to do this, listener need to know and understand what the feeling by speakers say out their mind is and listen carefully the speakers say what had happened, and then comforting sympathy or encouragement to help find a solution of the problem. (Hybels, 2001, p.85). Identify the emotions is often the most difficult part for listener, listener needs to listen carefully and know what the speaker is really saying that real meaning. For example, an employee in the matter of unhappy encounter some setbacks, the employee is too excited that wanted to kill the employer. That employee said that apparently has no plans to kill the employer. In the case, it is reason able to assume that the speaker is feeling angry. If someone responded to that employee, or someone will try to replace the role of that employee to think, let that employee to say out what has happened, there might the tragedy will not happen. Moreover, listeners task besides listen attentively, also want to use an empathic-listening response way to reach is through paraphrasing, restating the other persons thoughts or feelings in the words. Back to the example, let the employee say out the whole story, listener is no need to respond with more or specific, just wants to be listened to, and show the interest and concern if listener listen and look sympathetic, let the employee finish the whole story, and discover other feelings in addition to anger. This response not only helps identify the feelings; it also helps find out whether the hearing accurately and shows that is paying attention. A paraphrasing response provides a mirror for the other persons remarks. (Hybels, 2001, p. 86). Again, sometimes listener just listening for peoples feeling and explains how to solve the problem. People are feel better when their after frequently want to vent their feelings, but sometimes just listening is not enough. The last one in empathic listening is to give the person a chance to work out the problem. Empathic listening is includes helping the other person find a way to solve the problem. In the case of that employee, the important has to solve the problem. So listener has to use the good attitudes to help that employee and have the ability to help that employee to deal with the problem. To be a good listener is required to taking on more responsibility and rather focusing on solution with that employee, also have to try focusing on feeling and listening empathically, so that is the responsibility of a good listener. (Hybels, 2001, p. 87). Therefore, everyone also a different point of view but they only stand at their own angel to see their own view. They are not use the time to assess property; it is very easy to make assumptions and jump to conclusion. This often leads to misunderstandings, bad feelings, conflict, poor morale and even divorce. Without empathy, people do not feel heard ad understood. So empathy is so important on our daily life. Beside that, empathy also so important in the workplace, if without empathy, people will not thought other persons feeling, thought and attitudes, and also including all experience moods, pain and hurt, joy and sadness. To be a leaders must seriously using the empathy to understand what the person is thinking or feeling by not trying to change or amend, and empathy to solve the problems, understand what the person think or feel, people feel valued, they will feel safe. For the example, when the employees feel value, they are feeling safe. So that indicates employees are more p roductive when they are feel valued. In the following, we have to choose to improve, to care, to get out of own way, and to bridge the gaps between-generation, cultures, religions, socioeconomics, etc. So empathetic can help to manage and avoid disruptive and assault behaviors. The 5 simple steps have provided the speaker with that undivided attention. That is one time multi-tasking will get in the trouble; Second, Be non-judgmental, maximum or rise up the speakers issue; Third, read the speaker, observe the emotion behind the words. Is that the speaker afraid, frustrated, angry or resentful and respond to the emotion as well as the words. Four, be quiet, dont give an immediate reply, often if aloe foe some quiet after the speaker has vented, they themselves will break the silence and offer a solution; Last, assure understanding, ask about clarifying questions and restate what the speaker to be saying; That is the following these simple steps will place in a better situation for addressing the key issue. Next, is followed by how to improve the empathy skills in interpersonal communication. First, stop to recognize other peoples emotions, empathy is the ability to share in their emotional experience. There are some people who have an easier time observing connecting to another persons emotions, and there is some evidence that some people have a genetic predisposition to being empathetic. For example, understanding emotional states of others will helps deepen their understanding. It helps to create the connections that are sharing in the experience. Second is imagine yourself in their position, that is once recognize what the other person feels, empathy requires that feel what are they are feeling. The means you need to put yourself in their position. But it doesnt mean you put yourself in their position in the logical sense of word. There have the ability helps create the connection and the foundation of trust. Third one is listen and accept their interpretation. Emotional intelligenc e and empathy requires the ability to listen to others and to accept that their interpretation of events, facts, or ideas is true for them. To truly exercise that empathy and that emotional intelligence, there have to be listen without immediately passing judgment on the facts or the meaning of what is being said. They have to accept their interpretation as being valid and worthwhile. That was sped a lot of time trying to change peoples minds and trying to move people from taking no action to taking action. Empathy and emotional intelligence allow to suspend the mind changing until that have built the connection that will allow to work with their point if view. Four is pause between stimulus and response and consider the outcome. Leading others and changing minds means that not only have to exercise these skills with others, and also have to emotions. Before that cans manage the emotions of others, that had to be able to manage their own emotions. One of the most powerful ways to de al with highly emotionally charged events is to simply pause before responding. Use pause to decide hoe that response will help or hurt that achieving the outcome that need. Dont focus on the emotion; focus on a response that moves you closer to you needed outcome. And the last is use emotions to drive action. Negative emotions to create a case for change and to drive their teams to take actions and positive emotions to build high-performing cultures that believe that by user will be can succeed. In the conclusion, these attributes combine to generate trust and confidence, and they are the foundation of long-term relationships. Remember it is better to learn how to become an empathetic person. Your communication skills will only become better. You social awareness will only become better. Your ability to relate to other people and understand their point of views will become much better. No one says changing is easy, but when you know there is something you need to change about yourself, taking the steps necessary is a good idea

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Study On Science And Mathematics In English

Study On Science And Mathematics In English My name is Chung Wan Teng, studying in the diploma in business management course at Olympia College Ipoh. As mentioned-above, I would like to support all students must use the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English. As a student, I want to take this opportunity sharing my opinion about support to teach of Science and Mathematics in English. 2. Recently the popular issue in our social about the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English is arguing at newspapers, televisions and internet. The research shows (Ong Saw Lan, School of Education Studies, and University Sains Malaysia) that in 2003, the Malaysian government implemented a new policy in the national education system. That is English is made the language of instruction in schools for teaching of Sciences, Mathematics. During the previous years, these subjects have been taught in Malay language but seems like no any improvement from students and parents. Besides that, the purpose of using English to teach these subjects is to enable students to improve in their English and SINGAPORE is a good example of the value of English to teach Mathematics and Science. They are using English to study, learn, communicate and write. Therefore, they can talk English correctly with their family, friends and tourists. They are keeping improve themselves anytime. 3. In addition, I believe that the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics in English not only pave the way for a borderless society and it also motivates students to learn more than one language efficiently and students will get benefit in this way. As we all know that English is the language spoken internationally and mastery in this language would allow easy access to information in these fields. The decision to change the medium of instruction from the Malay language to English for the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics subjects was made based on the governments concern on the nations human capital development towards and wish to achieve the standard of a developed country, as well as an early preparation to compete in the era of globalization. 4. The Star Online (2011) in its front pages states that some of Sarawaks top educationists are saying the importance of English as a global language must not be denied. Therefore, we cannot ignore English and it is international language. These are few advantages for students if teaching of Sciences and Mathematics in English. First, students can easily adapt when they enter university, especially oversea universities. If they do not know to talk in English, they will be unsafely because they dont know how to talk other country mother tongue. The second advantages is if use English for teaching these subjects, student can improve their English in many aspect such as communicate skill, comprehension, reading and writing skill. On the other hand, if some students are poor in English, they can go tuition centre to learn English like Erican. There will provide professional teacher to teach and guide them correctly. Thirdly, being able to learn Sciences and Mathematics in English to make students can cope and handle with their further studies well. This is a significant advantage to learn these subjects in English. Fourthly, it also helps students in their future career. If has a local student to be a scientist, or work in medical professions, the student cannot explain the findings to the world as he does not know the knowledge of Scientific English. Another example is if a businessman needs using the Mathematics terms in English, otherwise he possibly can expand to the outside world perhaps he can get a good future at outside. Another advantage is information access. Some of the well-known math and science journals, including Annals of Mathematics, Nature and Science, are written in English. These journals are more widely cited by scholars than similar journals. Many respected journals are translated into other languages, but the earliest and most accurate accounts of the authors words are always in English. In university science courses, access to the latest information can mean the difference between a good and great student. This constitutes a considerable academic advantage to learning math and science in English. For mathematics students, having access to newly developed proofs and theorems can make the difference when giving presentations at math conferences and competitions. 5. Therefore, for my opinion Sciences and Mathematics should be taught in English to equip Malaysian students with this language skill for a competitive world. As I mentioned above English is often used as an international languages creates a great ease in communication among people who would otherwise probably never be able to communicate. For my view, actually teaching of Mathematics and Science in English is viable because we have enough resources, materials and expertise knowledge. We have a first-class plan but we just need more time to effectively implement the plan in nationwide. In this case, I am not the means to against Bahasa Malaysia and I do know that its our national language, but what I am saying that is using English to teach these subjects will bring a lot of benefits as I mentioned above. 6. The research shows that (The Star Online, 2008) by Mahendran Maniam, Seri Kembangan, Selangor said English in Sciences and Mathematics can help increase proficiency. I am fully support this point. This is because teaching of Sciences and Mathematics in English would help the students especially the youngest youth. They are able to get more information and resources from network TV, internet and some high quality references books because most of them are English. Therefore I would know that some of the scientific terms from English which have similar spelling, for example computer komputer, science sains, constant konstanta, logarithm logaritma and so on. If a student say cannot understand English, why visit blogger, Facebook, Google and msn on English not a problem. They are just finding excuse to lie on themselves. So, I think teaching Sciences and Mathematics in English are not a problem for student. In conclusion, this all is the reasons why I support using English to teach Science and Mathematics because it provides many benefits to students. As we all know that English is a national language and it also important in our life. I hope the government will agree and continue with the teaching of both of these subjects in English because we need to look ahead and move forward to get a best life in future. Student will be more talkative in English when they study at overseas university and working in a company which is using English to communicate. Besides that, I would like to mention again Im not against Bahasa Melayu (our nation language), because English will be more useful in our future life. Therefore, I hope Sir to support my stand of teaching Science and Mathematics in English. Thank you for spend your time reading my opinion. This all are the benefits of teaching Science and Mathematics in English. I hope to hear from you soon regarding. Your faithfully, _________________ ( CHUNG WAN TENG) Teaching of Mathematics and Science in English   PPSMI Strengthening English by improving the teaching of  English

Monday, August 19, 2019

Summary and Analysis of The Clerks Tale Essays -- Canterbury Tales Th

Summary and Analysis of The Clerk's Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Prologue to the Clerk's Tale: The Host remarks that the Clerk of Oxford sits quietly, and tells him to be more cheerful. The Host asks the Clerk to tell a merry tale of adventure and not a moralistic sermon. The Clerk agrees to tell a story that he learned from a clerk at Padua, Francis Petrarch. He then praises the renowned Petrarch for his sweet rhetoric and poetry. The Clerk does warn that Petrarch, before his tale, wrote a poem in a high style exalting the Italian landscape. Analysis In the Prologue to the Clerk's Tale, Chaucer indulges yet again in a mild critique of his contemporaries. Here he analyzes Petrarch's stories and finds fault with his overindulgent descriptions of the Italian landscape, yet nevertheless he finds Petrarch's story good enough to adapt for his own Canterbury Tales. Geoffrey Chaucer did adapt most of these tales from outside sources, modifying them as he saw fit and often making significant changes in tone and plot points. Nevertheless, many of the stories in the Canterbury Tales did not originate with Chaucer himself. The Clerk's Tale: The tale begins with the description of Saluzzo, a region at the base of Mount Viso in Italy. There was once a marquis of this region named Walter. He was wise, noble and honorable, but had one major flaw. He refused to marry, choosing careless pursuits instead. His refusal was so steadfast that the people of his realm confronted him about this, pleading with him to take a wife. They offer to choose for him the most noble woman in the realm for him to marry. He agrees to marry, but makes this one condition: he will marry whomever he chooses, regardless of birth, and his wife shall be tr... ...tes Griselde's fortitude is callous and inappropriate to the purpose. The following tests that Walter inflicts on his wife appear to serve a different purpose. Walter's motivation seems to shift from demonstrating his wife's capacities to breaking down his wife. This may be due to envy for Griselde, a woman universally beloved by his people, who at the outset of the story consider Walter irresponsible and immature. By the time Walter sends Griselde naked from his home he has become wholeheartedly sadistic. The reconciliation that concludes the Clerk's Tale is therefore unsatisfying, for it restores to Walter what he does not deserve. The reconstruction of the family that occurs when Griselde and her children return to Walter's estate is at best tenuous, bringing together a wife and a husband who tortured her, and children and the parents who did not raise them.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Prince :: essays research papers

Born in Florence on May 3, 1469, Machiavelli entered government service as a clerk and rose to prominence when the Florentine Republic was proclaimed in 1498. Machiavelli was an upright man, a good citizen, and a good father. He was not by any means a faithful husband but lived in affectionate harmony with his wife, Marietta Corsini (whom he had married in the latter part of 1501), and had five children by her. He loved his native city "more than his own soul," and he was generous, ardent, and basically religious. He was secretary of the ten-man council that conducted the diplomatic negotiations and supervised the military operations of the republic, and his duties included missions to the French king (1504, 1510-11), the Holy See (1506), and the German emperor (1507-8). In the course of his diplomatic missions within Italy he became acquainted with many of the Italian rulers and was able to study their political tactics, particularly those of the ecclesiastic and soldier Cesare Borgia, who was at that time engaged in enlarging his holdings in central Italy. From 1503 to 1506 Machiavelli reorganized the military defense of the republic of Florence. Although mercenary armies were common during this period, he preferred to rely on the conscription of native troops to ensure a permanent and patriotic defense of the commonwealth. In 1512, when the Medici, a Florentine family, regained power in Florence and the republic was dissolved, he was deprived of office and briefly imprisoned for alleged conspiracy against them. After his release he retired to his estate near Florence, where he wrote his most important works. Despite his attempts to gain favor with the Medici rulers, he was never restored to his prominent government position. When the republic was temporarily reinstated in 1527, he was suspected by many republicans of pro-Medici leanings. Machiavelli's methodology involved the empirical observation of human nature and behaviour, which he believed to be changeless. His deep feelings about the degradation and corruption of Italy at his time led him to put his hope into the daring and the violence of a great man who would exercise power ruthlessly but with prudence. Power, Machiavelli apparently believed, legitimized the state, if rationally applied, by a man able to manipulate the people and use the army for his own purposes. In his quest for a "new prince" and a new principle of policy he knew that he was opening "a road as yet untrodden by man.

if i shoulddie b4 i wake Essay example -- essays research papers

In the book â€Å"If I Die Before I Wake† by Han Nolan a girl named Hilary Burke has been severely injured in a motorcycle accident while riding with her boyfriend, Brad, the leader of a local neo-Nazi gang. The closest hospital is a Jewish hospital and Hilary is taken there, Nazi armband and everything. In a strange twist of fate, Hilary is transported back through flashbacks to the German occupation of Poland where she becomes a girl named Chana. Chana is a young girl who, along with her Polish family, is faced with the horrors of being a Jew in wartime Poland .Hilary sees World War II in the perspective of Chana. The story flips back and forth between Chana and Hilary with one major plot in each girl’s life. Before her accident, Hilary helped out with her friends to kidnap her Jewish neighbor, Simon, and they stuffed him in a gym locker at school. There is a large search underway to find him. While Hilary thinks treating the Jews differently is funny, she has to live in the eyes of a Jewish person while she flashes back into Chana’s time. In Chana’s story she goes through the full horror of being Jewish under Nazi rule which includes the complete breaking down of her family, the horrors of the Lodz ghetto, and ultimately the suffering of Auschwitz. Meanwhile, Hilary and her mother don’t have the best bond. Yet Hilary’s mother does all she can to help nurse her back to stable heath, and she sits by her side the whole time while she is at the Jewish hospital. Even when there was...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Generational Conflict in the Workplace Essay

Abstract Conflict in the workplace is not a new problem. Having many generations working towards the same goal will almost always cause some friction. It becomes the responsibility of administrators/managers in the workplace to not only understand the source of this conflict, but also diffuse it before it becomes counterproductive. Conflict can be a very powerful tool in the workplace if not allowed to get out of hand. Each generation in the workplace has much to learn from the others. They also have much to teach. Using â€Å"The Wheel of Conflict† to understand this conflict will allow for a more productive, and less hostile workplace. Factors Leading to Conflict With the recent downturn in the economy and the increased number of individuals entering the workplace after formal education; there has been an increasing number of conflicts within the workplace among individuals from different generations. My generation, generation Y or the millennial generation is generally involved with this conflict. I would like to include a little background on each of the two main generations involved. Generation X consists of approximately 55 million workers in North America. They were born between 1965 and 1980. It is generally accepted that Gen Xers are called the â€Å"latchkey children.† They are self-reliant and independent. They generally enjoy a casual and friendly work environment. They separate friends from family, and seek a balance between work life and family. Generation Y consists of approximately 80 million workers in North America. They were born between 1981 and 1999. These are the newest individuals to enter the workforce. They generally celebrate diversity; they’re optimistic, inventive and individualistic. They like to rewrite the rules, and generally enjoy a pleasurable lifestyle. Gen Yers do not see the relevance of most institutions. They are masters of technology, mainly because they have grown up in a world with the Internet and gadgets. Unlike the â€Å"latchkey children,† they were nurtured by their parents and see friends as family. They have high expectations and demands, and wish to work for socially responsible companies. Gen Yers are also more involved with politics. Emotions Through examining the differences in the Generation Y and Generation X individuals in the workplace; it can easily be determined that emotions play a very large role in the conflict on both sides. Generation Y seems to have a very high opinion of themselves. They do not like authoritarian leadership styles because they grew up able to question their parents. Unlike previous generations Gen Yers like to make their job accommodate their personal life, not the other way around. They place a high value on self-fulfillment and do not expect to stay in a particular job long because they view career change as â€Å"normal.† They are also accustomed to receiving constant feedback and recognition from parents and other figures of authority. They continue to expect this in the workplace. Generation X and before resent this type of self-important behavior and are generally dismissive of the Gen Yers. In a Lee Hecht Harrison Company survey 70% of older employees were dismissive of younger workers’ abilities, and 50% of younger workers were dismissive of older workers’ abilities. This shows that both groups are equally dismissive of the other. Generation Y employees come from the period of â€Å"instant gratification.† As a member of this generation I must say that I cannot recall a time that I wasn’t able to get an answer that I want for a question on any topic. The Internet is a huge resource and has always been at my fingertips. This has played a large role in creating the attitudes of Generation Y workers. They haven’t had to learn patience. Most Generation Y workers come out of college, with a high self-worth, and expect to make a six-figure salary. That is just not reasonable. Considering that the Gen Yers have been â€Å"pampered† by their families, they react like an insolent child when they do not get what they feel they are â€Å"owed.† This emotional reaction does not help their case within the workplace. Communication Another common factor that leads to this conflict has to be communication. As stated before, the younger generation has grown up in a world of technology. They are perfectly confortable communicating through email, sums, or social networking sites. These modes of communication are well within their comfort zones. This comfort with impersonal communications has one major drawback. Many Gen Yers do not possess the ability to speak face to face, and express their ideas. Inability to communicate will cause great problems in the workplace. Gen Yers may misinterpret constructive criticism from older colleagues, and older colleagues may feel that younger individuals are disrespectful within the workplace. The fact is that neither group is right, and neither is wrong. Most Gen Yers are not intentionally disrespectful; they simply need to learn how to properly communicate in the workplace. The comfort level they possessed at home is not appropriate at the office. At the same time the older generations need not write off the younger generations because of some communication miscues. Values/Relationships Values and relationships also play a large role in this conflict. First off Gen Yers consist of nearly 50% of non-native North Americans. Most Gen Yers have liberal attitudes towards gay marriage and interracial dating. They are critical of the ethics and morality of business. They maintain close ties with their families, and are much more active in politics then their counterparts. Either way you look at it they are socially different than their elders. Generation X consisted of the 1960’s and 1970’s. There were racial struggles in the not so distant past. Old stereotypes die hard, and there may be some subconscious issues between the older guard and the newcomers. These issues may not be as blatant as outright racism, but may be subtler. Gen Yers wouldn’t think twice about seeing a burka in the workplace, whereas Gen X and before may do a double take. Relationships with family also play a large role in this conflict. Firstly Gen Yers are not afraid to live with their parents until they find the right job. This can often be viewed unfavorably by older generations who see this unwillingness to head off on their own as a weakness. Needs In order to properly address the conflict within the workplace, one must understand the various needs of all parties involved. There are three basic types of issues to consider. The first of these are Substantive Issues. This includes things like money or salary, resources needed for a job, or time. Second is Procedural Issues. These include means that we use to address the conflict. This could be communications or other means that are used to address conflict. Finally Psychological Needs comes into play. These are things that all people generally hold sacred. This includes things like trust, fairness, or respect. These general needs or issues are the same for all people. They only differ in the perception of them. Managers must understand that 99% of individuals go to work for a paycheck. In a job their substantive needs must be met. For Gen Xers this is pretty easy to handle. With Gen Yers it appears to be a little more complicated. As mentioned earlier, Gen Yers have a very high self-worth. They often feel that they deserve a higher salary that they receive. This will cause morale to drop among them, and open up the opportunity for conflict. Similarly, procedural issues present a problem with Gen Yers. They resent much about the current structure of business, and expect constant feedback. A little give and take on both sides of the issue will be needed to effectively resolve this problem. Finally the psychological needs are the most difficult thing to address. Because of the cultural differences in the generations, both parties must be open to what each other can bring to the table. Both the Gen Xers and Gen Yers want respect, and each party shows respect in different ways. Therefore, an understanding must be reached to achieve the desired result. If parties feel respected they will be more willing to participate, and trust each other. Conclusion This is an ongoing circle of conflict. People are creatures of habit and are not generally open to change. Throughout time, each generation has had contempt of some form for the generation that follows. The incoming generation has always felt that they know more than the ones they are replacing. The important thing to remember is that open communication channels will benefit the workplace. Each generation will better understand each other, and will be able to learn from one another. Generation Y must understand that the business world is very different from their childhood. Generation X must understand that not all change is bad. The humorous side of this is that in 20 years. The generation Y will have the same issues with Generation Z as Generation X had with them. Works Cited Mayer, B. (2000). The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner’s Guide. San Francisco, CA, USA: Jossey-Bass. Williams, R. (2009, September 8). Why Are You Not Like Me? The Generational Gap In The Workplace. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from Psychology Today:

Friday, August 16, 2019

Jp Morgan&Co./ Chase Manhattan Bank Merger

JP Morgan&Co. / Chase Manhattan Bank Merger 1. Introduction The combining of two or more companies, generally by offering the stockholders of one company securities in the acquiring company in exchange for the surrender of their stock. (referenca 1) Mergers are a common practice in the business world because they enable increased efficiency and market share. 2. History 2. 1. JP Morgan&Co. J. P. Morgan & Co. , was founded in New York in 1871 as Drexel, Morgan & Co. by J. Pierpont Morgan and Philadelphia banker Anthony Drexel.The firm made its first big splash in 1879 when it sold financier William Vanderbilt’s New York Central Railroad stock without driving down the share price. (referenca 4) During the late 19th century and early 20th century J. P. Morgan & Co. financed a lot of engineering and innovative projects. Some examples funded by it are the Brooklyn Bridge and the Panama Canal construction. Besides these projects it was also present at the birth of aviation, providing banking services to the pioneering Wright brothers from the early years through their invention of the world’s first successful airplane. referenca 4)During the years of World War I r, J. P. Morgan & Co. aided the British and French, arranging a $500 million loan r, J. P. Morgan & Co. aided the British and French, arranging a $500 million loan. In 1959 Morgan merged with Guaranty Trust Co. (commercial and investment banking) to create Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, later forming a holding company that restored the famous J. P. Morgan & Co. name. (referenca 4) 2. 2. Chase Manhattan Bank Chase Manhattan Bank was formed in the year 1955 with the merger of Chase National Bank and the Bank of the Manhattan Company. referenca 2) In the 1970s, Chase added nearly 40 new branches, representative offices, affiliates, subsidiaries and joint ventures outside the United States. In 1973 Chase opened a representative office in Moscow, which was the first presence for a U. S. bank i n the Soviet Union since the 1920s. It also became the first U. S. correspondent to the Bank of China since Chinese Revolution . (referenca 4) During the 1970s and 1980s the Chase Manhattan Bank was led by David Rockefeller, and it emerged as one of the largest and most prestigious banking concerns.It had leadership positions in syndicated lending, treasury and securities services, credit cards, mortgages, and retail financial services. (referenca3) The Chase Money Card was the first Visa debit card offered by a bank in New York. In 1985 Spectrum was launched, which is an electronic home banking service that not only permitted banking transactions but also allowed customers to buy and sell stocks through a discount broker affiliated with Chase. (referenca 4) Chase Manhattan Bank is the product of two megadeals that came earlier, its mergers with Manufacturers Hanover and Chemical. In 1991, Manufacturers Hanover Corp. erged with Chemical Banking Corp. , under the name of Chemical Ban king Corp. , then the second-largest banking institution in the United States. (referenca5) Then in 1996 Thomas G. Labrecque merged the Chase Manhattan Bank with the Chemical Banking Corp. (referenca2) This merger created the largest bank holding company in the United States at that time, and it was prior to the merger with JP Morgan&Co. 3. JP&Morgan Chase & Co. On December 31 of year 2000 the two banks J. P. Morgan &Co. and Chase Manhattan Bank united to create the name of J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. keeping two of the most established names in U.S. banking. This merger created a financial services powerhouse and became a strong rival of firms such are Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. (refernca 6) Before the merger the CEO of the Chase Manhattan Bank was William Harrison, and of the J. P. Morgan & Co. was Douglas Warner. After the creation of the combined company, J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. the Chief Executive and president was assigned William Harrison while Douglas Warner was retained as a chairman. (referenca 7) The merger was approved by the Federal Reserve Board on December 11 and by the New York Banking Board on December 14, 2000. referenca 8)   Ã‚  In 1999, the two banks combined had net income of approximately $7. 5 billion and revenue of approximately $31 billion. With the settlement of the deal, valued $36 billion, it acquired $660 billion of assets. (referenca 6) Under the deal J. P. Morgan stockholders received 3. 7 shares of Chase. The newly created company is a financial holding company, a global financial services firm and a banking institution in the United States of America. It operates worldwide, in more than 60 countries to provide corporate banking solutions to clients. referenca 3) It is engaged in different kinds of activities such are in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, asset management and private equity. (referenca 9) After the merger of the year 2000 came more mergers and acquisitions of the Company with other institutions that would shape it to its final form. Below are listed some of the most important ones: * In 2004, Bank One Corp. merged with J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. , keeping the name JPMorgan Chase & Co. by uniting the investment and commercial banking skills of J. P.Morgan Chase with the consumer banking strengths of Bank One. (referenca 5) * In 2008, J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. acquired The Bear Stearns Companies Inc. , strengthening its capabilities across a broad range of businesses, including prime brokerage, cash clearing and energy trading globally. (referenca 4) * In 2008,   J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. paid $1. 9 billion to the F. D. I. C. to acquire all of WaMu’s assets, branches and deposits. With WaMu, J. P. Morgan had $905 billion in deposits and 5,400 branches nationwide, rivaling Bank of America in size and reach. (referenca 9) The major businesses of the J. P.Morgan a re: * Investment Banking- The firm serves 8,000 clients in more than 60 countries. Clients include  corporations,  financial institutions, governments and  institutional investors. (referenca 10) It offers a full range of investment banking products and services in all major capital markets. * Card Services- The company has 94 million cards in circulation and $135 billion in managed loans. (referenca 10) They are distributed and designed to satisfy the needs individual consumers, small businesses and partner companies. * Retail Financial Services-It is formed to help consumers and businesses with their financial needs.This sector includes  consumer banking, small business banking, auto, education, insurance and home finance. * Commercial Banking-Serves its clients with activities like lending, treasury services, investment banking and asset management. (referenca 5) * Treasury & Securities Services- Is one of the largest cash management providers in the world to support the CFOs, treasurers, issuers and  investors. (referenca 10) * Asset Management- A global leader in managing investments and wealth for its clients. References: 1. http://www. investopedia. com/terms/m/merger. asp#axzz2IEmsQoNR 2. http://www. ndb. com/company/684/000052528/ 3. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/JPMorgan_Chase#Controversies 4. http://www. jpmorganchase. com/corporate/About-JPMC/document/shorthistory. pdf 5. http://www. jpmorganchase. com/corporate/About-JPMC/jpmorgan-history. htm 6. http://www. forbes. com/2000/10/18/1016topdeals_2. html 7. http://cnnfn. cnn. com/2000/09/13/deals/chase_morgan/ 8. http://www. innercitypress. org/jpmcmb1. html 9. http://topics. nytimes. com/top/news/business/companies/morgan_j_p_chase_and_company/index. html? offset=10&s=newest 10. http://www. marketswiki. com/mwiki/JPMorgan_Chase_%26_Co.